Karate News 2012

The Travelling Basile’s

Friday, June 15, 2012

Matthew & Bianca Basile have been at it again as they travelled north again to take on Queensland at their round 2 held on 27th May of the Australian Martial Arts Championships (AMAC). This is their second trip north this year and they had some great results that are listed. It looks like they are going to be a force to be reckoned with at the AMAC National’s to be held in Sydney in November.

Matthew 2nd Forms 11-13 beginner to Intermediate and 4th Showmanship 13 & under all grades. Bianca 2nd sumo 10-12 years Female, 3rd Sword Combat 10-12 years female, 3rd Forms 8-10 beginner to intermediate, 3rd Point Sparring 8-10 years intermediate and 3rd Showmanship 13 yrs 7 under all grades.

In April they ventured to ACT to compete in AMAC ACT Round 1 that was held on Sunday 15th April, Matthew 2nd Forms 11-13 Beginner to intermediate, 1st Point Sparring 11-12 yrs all grades and 1st Sparring Freestyle 11-12 yrs all grades, 3rd Sumo 8-12 yrs male & female and 1st Sword combat 10-12yrs male & female. Bianca 4th Forms 8-10 yrs beginner to intermediate,1st Point sparring 10 yrs & under all grades, 2nd sumo 8-12 yrs male & female and 2nd Sword combat 10-12yrs male & female.

Well done to both of you.

British Kyokushinkai Karate (BKK) Summer Camp August 2012

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Well their bags may not be packed, but the tickets have been booked and their camp forms submitted, this year Miko Mitchell, Matthew Basile and Bianca Basile (pictured) will be joining Senpai Jenny attending the BKK Summer camp, to be held from 15th to 19th August at Felsted in Essex UK. Victoria (Matthew & Bianca’s mum) will also be travelling with them. You never know we might get her into a gi as well; maybe I should take a spare one!!!

What a fabulous opportunity to train with 10th Dan Hanshi Steve Arneil and his top instructors. It’s not too late if you want to join them in the UK, please let Senpai Jenny know ASAP, alternatively start saving for August 2013.

AMAC Sydney Round 2, May 2012

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

We had a great day at Round 2 of the Australian Martial Arts Championships recently held on Sunday 20th May with 7 students (pictured) entered for the day. The competition was very exciting and I was very pleased with how all of the KKC Karate students performed on the day, results check out more photos in the web gallery under AMAC Sydney Round 2, May 2012. Result for the day were;


Peewees 7 yrs and under

3rd Keagan Tran

 8-10 yrs Beg/Intermediate

3rd Bianca Basile

11-13 yrs Beg/Intermediate

4th Robbie Simmons

Adult Beginner

3rd Colleen Estigoy & 4th Chi-Jui Gary Huang

Showmanship  3 yrs & under All grades

3rd Bianca Basile & 4th Matthew Basile

14 yrs & above All grades

1st Robbie Simmons

Point Sparring

Pee Wees 7 yrs and under

2nd Keagan Tran

11-12 yrs Beg/Intermediate

1st Matthew Basile

13-15yrs  Beg/Inter Male

2nd Robbie Simmons

Adult  Beg/Inter Male

1st Chi-Jui Gary Huang

Adult  Beg/Inter Female

2nd Colleen Estigoy

Freestyle Sparring

13-15 yrs  Beg/Inter Male

3rd Robbie Simmons

Adult Beg/Inter Male

4th Chi-Jui Gary Huang

Adult Beg/Inter Female

1st Colleen Estigoy


Pee Wees 7 yrs & under

1st Keagan Tran

10-12 yrs Male/Female

3rd Matthew Basile

13-17 male/female yrs Male

2nd Robbie Simmons

Sword Combat Peewees 7 Yrs & under

2nd Keagan Tran

13-17yrs  Male/Female

4th Robbie Simmons

Full Contact

Adult Male Open

3rd Chi-Jui Gary Huang

Weapons Traditional 13 yrs & under All grades 2nd Robbie Simmons

Russell Lea Infants School Demonstration 12 May 2012

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Thank you to all of the KKC Karate Students who participated in the karate demonstration at Russell Lea Infants School Annual Fete. We had students representing every level of KKC Karate, from Kinder Karate, Kids Karate and teenagers/adults from Kyokushin Karate Club. It was a beautiful day and we had more than 35 students in all, click here to check out the photo’s in the gallery.

We have already had requests for more demos, will keep you posted. Thank you once again to all who gave their time to participate, it was good fun and the gelato after was even better!

10th Annual IFKKA Australian Open Championships Sunday 6th May

Saturday, May 12, 2012

What a great day, we had 19 students entered from KKC Karate some pictured below, and from what I saw the competition was exciting in all divisions resulting in some very close results, be sure to check the photos in the photo Gallery.

Results for KKC Karate; Gary Huang coming 3rd in Kata Adult Novice/Intermediate as well as 1st in full contact Adults novice.

In the Sanbon Shobu Kyle Tran’s team came 3rd in the 6 yrs and under and Louie Hewitt and his team came 3rd in the same division. In the 9-11years Male Novice/Intermediate Alexander Thomas and his team came 1st and the 9-11years Female Novice/Intermediate Team from KKC Karate of Lauren Moniaci, April – Rose Moniaci and Nisha Hewitt came 1st , The 9-11 years Advanced Mixed KKC Karate team of Ryan Tang, Matthew Basile and Bianca Basile came 1st . Female Adult Novice / Intermediate Colleen Estigoy came 2nd and in the Adult Male Advanced/Black Belt Miko Mitchell and his team came 2nd .

Well done to everyone who competed, even if you didn’t place competition is a great way to improve on the karate skills you learn in the dojo.

Not to forget Victoria Basile won the Chocolate Hamper raffle, this is the second year she has one the raffle, well done, maybe I will have to get her to buy my ticket for me.