Karate News 2012

AMAC Sydney Round 3, July 2012

Monday, July 23, 2012

Australian Martial Arts Championships (AMAC) Sydney Round 3 was held on Sunday 22nd July and KKC Five Dock had 10 students entered; Aiden Webb, Anastacia Morcos, Kyle Tran, Keagan Tran, Lauren Moniaci, April-Rose Moniaci, Bianca Basile, Matthew Basile, Robbie Simmons and Scott Harris (see picture with other IFKKA Students). All feedback was that everyone had a great day just competing and most qualified for the NSW State Titles on 29th September. Competition is a great way to show what you are learning in the dojo, I must admit getting up in front of people and performing kata can be quite daunting. Well done everyone see the results below and be sure to have a look at the photos in the photos gallery.

Canada Bay Council Bayside Kids School Holiday Program July 2012

Saturday, July 21, 2012

KKC Karate was asked to participate in a school holiday program and to run a karate clinic for the Canada Bay Council during the July School Holidays. This was an introduction to karate for school aged children, we had 24 children (pictured) participate in what was a great day.

Also thank you to our helpers on the day Albertus Mitchell, Ryan Tang, Colleen Estigoy and Diane Deller. Make sure you check out the photos on the web gallery

Ultra Marathon Man Or is it Max!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Mild mannered Max Walker is the Ultra Marathon Man, Max recently competed in a Ultra Marathon Unfortunately for Max this was just before the June grading, Shihan commented at the grading gee Max looks a bit stiff with some of his techniques, wonder why!

The Ultra Marathon is The North Face 100 (19-20th May) – apparently Australia’s premier Ultra Marathon. It’s 100 km through the Blue Mountains Area of NSW, beautiful countryside. Max finished in 17 and a half hours – was happy with that considering at the 30km mark he had a lot of cramping in the quads and could not walk properly. But with some fluids, pain relief and persistence was able to work through it over the next 20 Kms. Started at 0700 and finished just after midnight. Very challenging, but also very satisfying to finish the race. Under 14 hours is a Silver Belt Buckle and under 20 hours is a Bronze Belt Buckle – so he is happy to get to get the bronze one.

This was Max’s first run over 50kms, have done the Mansfield to Mt Buller 50 km twice before and couple of other marathons over the years. The winner finished NF 100 in 9 and a half hours. Just over 1000 entered, 350 pulled out and Max finished mid-field in the 600 odd who were left, which pleasantly surprised him. Well done Max great effort.

IFKKA Interclub Tournament Series Round 2

Monday, June 18, 2012

Round 2 of the IFKKA Interclub Tournament Series was held at Tempe Dojo on Sunday 17th June, once again well done to all of the KKC Karate students who participated, I am always pleased to watch the students demonstrate what they are leaning in the dojo. Even if you don’t win or place competition is about doing your best and always striving do better. Results are listed below, Round 3 will be held on Sunday 11th November venue to be confirmed. Be sure to check the photos in the photo gallery click here.

IFKKA Junior Grading Results June 2012

Friday, June 15, 2012

The IFKKA Junior grading was held at Tempe dojo on Monday 5th March 2012, below are the results from the KKC Karate Students, well done to you all and your new grades achieved, also be sure to check the photo’s in the photo gallery click here.