Karate News 2010

Christmas week at KKC Karate

Monday, December 13, 2010

This year we decided as part of our Christmas festivities to invite parent’s friends and / or a family member to participate in a karate class, but with a difference as this is our Christmas karate week. So all classes for the week students and friends were encouraged to dress up with some Christmas cheer and Shihan Doug Turnbull pictured below with Senpai Jenny joined us for one of the nights. Antlers really Shihan!

Students went to a lot of effort making their own costumes whilst others hit the shops to buy outfits to go with their dogi (karate uniform), the catch was that students still had to wear their dogi to training. Fortunately the weather was kind, not too hot and a lot of fun was had by everyone for photos click here KKC Christmas Karateka December 2011.